Hoa Sen University

Reading at the library and borrowing books

Reading at the library

  • Carry your student ID card (or ID Card) with you when you enter the library.
  • Choose books from bookshelf then bring to the counter for checking out.
  • All books must be returned at the counter.

How do I borrow books?

  • Use the Library Catalogue to search for items you want and to check availability. 
  • When you find the book you want on the shelf,  take it to the counter and use your student ID card to borrow it. 
  • Check books’ condition, if any damage please fill the book confirmation status form available at the counter.

Returning books

  • Provide your student ID card and book confirmation status form ( if any ) for the librarian.
  • Librarian check book’s condition and issues to return.
  • Get back your Student ID card. 

Renewing books 

  • Books can be renewed once up to 2 weeks.
  • Overdue books can not be renewed.
  • Renew books.
  1. At the counter desk in library
  2. By website: Registration
  3. By email: send to address askme@hoasen.edu.vn ( provide full name. student numbers, books title ).

Inter-campus return 

  • It is possible to return books which you checked out from a library located in another campus.
  • Please note that it is not possible to use this service if books are overdue.
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