Hoa Sen University

News and Events

Culture Day 2023
Are HSU-ers busy or have any plans in March? If not, let’s join the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures and HSU Chinese Club to participate in a very special event that will take place this March! Welcome to CULTURE DAY 2023! CULTURE DAY 2023 is a project jointly organized by the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures and HSU Chinese Club. This is an event that converges many different cultures such as the UK, the US, France, Korea, China, and Japan with unique content about the cultures of countries around the world. With the slogan “Experience – Exchange –...
Professional Development Workshop #3
On February 16, 2023, the Faculty of Languages - International Cultures held the 3rd term of  The Professional Development Workshop series, with the participation of Dr. Bui Yen Ngoc (Lecturer of the Faculty of International Languages and Cultures) and Dr. Louis Ndekha (Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Bamberg, Germany).
On the morning of January 12, 2023, the Department of Language and International Culture organized the second seminar in the Professional Development Workshop series, with the participation of speakers Dr. Bui Yen Ngoc and Dr. Le Dao Thanh Binh An.
Professional Development Workshop #2
On January 12, 2023, on Thursday, the Faculty of Languages - International Cultures held the second term of the Professional Development Workshops with the companionship of Dr. Bui Yen Ngoc and Dr. Le Dao Thanh Binh An.
Students of the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures send meaningful wishes for the new year
On the morning of December 29, the students of the Faculty of Languages – International Culture prepared and designed the most beautiful cards and the most sincere wishes for the new year. In particular, continuing the journey “Together with HSU – Bringing Tet home”, the HSU Tet gifts have been given by the Faculty of Language – International Culture to students at Nguyen Van Trang and Thanh Thai campuses.. Don’t forget the gift-giving activities that will take place at many activities/events of the Faculty. Especially at the Happy Spring Program 2023!
Hoa Sen students demonstrated their ability to host the program fluently in two languages
One of the reasons for the success of Workshop Master Talk Ep.2: HSK EXAMINATION: THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW is extremely talented host Nguyen Vu Minh Thang.


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