Hoa Sen University

[HOA SEN UNIVERSITY: RESPECTING DIVERSITY] Hoa Sen Youth Union and Student Association Cadres: Each person has their own charm, perfect in their own way!

Some lovely images of the generations of HSU Youth Union and Student Association cadres. Thank you to all the seniors who always remember and come back to Hoa Sen!!

Who said that Youth Union and Student Association Cadres only wear two colors – blue and white!

At Hoa Sen, in addition to the blue uniform of youth, each Youth Union and Student Association cadre has their own unique color. But the common point is that they all have passion, creativity and a vibrant youth at HSU.

Among them, many have been successful in their careers, and are now managers at large companies and enterprises. It is the experiences at Hoa Sen, the opportunities to be leaders and manage projects that have helped former HSUers achieve success.

Hoa Sen is always proud of the diverse mosaic of its students and alumni!

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